Unpopular Opinion: Ariana Grande’s Newest Song Is Not Very Good.
She is back, and she is sending a message. One particular line, however, makes this song icky and not to be appreciated.

This will be one of those scarce moments where I take time to gather to construct a personal opinion.
Being a music lover, I used to have the mindset that a song is just a song. Bonus point if it comes with groovy melodies and rhythms where I can sing along. However, now that I’m older (and hopefully wiser, too), I have started to make more objective observations. Especially what the song is trying to tell me.
So, about a week ago, Ariana Grande released her latest single which also acts as the lead track from her upcoming album coming in March.
As a fan of Ariana, I welcomed the news of the release with the same excitement as other Arianators. Because I do love her as a singer, and I definitely respect her as an artist.
Until I came to listen to the song.
Now, don’t get me wrong: I do enjoy listening to the song as a whole. I do think that it’s a bop. I even think that this could be the anthem to listen to as we have just welcomed the new year.
And that is mostly because the title of this particular track is called ‘yes, and?’ (and yes, it’s written in lowercase per Ariana’s style) where it’s very much a concept of keeping your head high and not having to listen to criticisms that are being pointed at you.
Pair that with the groovy rhythms of 80s — 90s synthetic beats and we have a song that we can dance to.
But then, that’s the beginning of a couple of issues that I found within this track.
So, like I said above, ‘yes, and?’ is a bop. Issa vibe. However, it’s also kind of…meh. I mean, after a while, it’s just another song that attempts to capitalize on a needless nostalgia. Dua Lipa has done it. The Weeknd has done it. In short, my ears become bored after a handful of listening.
Am I being too critical? Probably. And perhaps she just wants to have fun and experiment with the upcoming album. To which I will say: we shall see when the album comes out. For now, it just feels like she came rather late to the synth party.
However, the real issue I have with this song comes from the lyrics. Well, just from one of the lines, to be precise.
Again, as a whole, the message is loud and clear: ‘I’d rather spend my time and energy elsewhere rather than listening to the dislikes coming my way.’
Cool. Noted. This is a useful and healthy reminder, and encouragement, for all of us.
This one particular line, however: ‘Why do you care so much whose **** I ride?’
Now, this is where my issue lies, and let me tell you why.
Have a read of her recent controversy. This one too.
Now, do you see where my beef with the song lies?
Sweet Ariana, you were married and you cheated on your movie co-star who also happens to be a married man who by the time this controversy surfaced, had just welcomed a baby.
And, it’s not that I care so much about whose dick you ride, darling. I just don’t agree with how you are trying to question the criticism with ‘Why do you care so much?’, this becomes a poor excuse for you to not take accountability for the issue.
Moreover, I also have a concern that this could become an ill-intent example that we nobodies could follow. If she wants to set an example, I do hope she is not setting an example of being a homewrecker and moving on with her day without taking care of the damage that she has caused.
Because I also believe that marriage is, by all accounts, sacred. And I’m not the only one who views marriage as such.
Bottom line, I just don’t want to start losing my respect for Ariana in the most important factor: as a person. I do believe that she is a wonderful, hard-working young woman and I still look forward to being her background supporter of her work and artistry.
And again, this is just my objective observation. You can agree or disagree with the points I have stated.
End of rant.